082 682 4426 noeleen@ecoact.co.za

About eco-act


  • Exciting, colourful and interactive presentations of facts and fun for learners from pre-school to Grade 7
  • ANY environmental theme can be covered from creepy-crawlies; furred or feathers; leafed or lichen – pollution, global warming and recycling junk – even dinosaurs and outer space!
  • Programmes (of approximately 45 minutes duration – depending of age of learner) can be “tailor-made” to Educator’s requirements and are presented at your school
  • Worksheets can be provided on request at a small fee

noeleen-300x270Noeleen Mullett has been involved in Nature Conservation since 1971 and environmental awareness programmes for the past 30 years.






  • nestEnvironmental education (EE) is rooted in the belief that humans can live compatibly with nature and act equitably toward each other. Another fundamental belief is that people can make informed decisions that consider future generations.
  • There are so many reasons why educating the next generation about the natural world is good for society. A great environmental education promotes interest in and engagement with the natural world and encourages the next generation of conservationists who will protect our precious natural resources.  After all, well-informed young people and adults are the key to finding future solutions to the complex issues currently threatening the health of our air, land, water, wildlife, and economy.
  • The need to understand environmental topics as they relate to everyday life becomes more important – and more urgent – each day.  Yet research shows that people generally, know startlingly little about the environment and even less about their personal connections to the natural world.
  • daisyWithout knowledge and understanding of these topics, taking personal action often seems overwhelming and pointless—yet individual actions are at the helm of many environmental problems including high energy consumption, water and air pollution, and sprawl.
  • To address these problems, they must be understood. When we incorporate environmental learning into school lessons, children develop an environmental literacy that will help them make informed decisions to protect the environment at home, at work and in their community for the rest of their lives.